Can you please ....
Help us maintain the forever home
that we have given to needy,
unwanted, stray street cats

Here's a few of our much loved rescued cats....

In a drain pipe

Burnt face and paws

bitten kitten

small colony

Olive came over the winter and took over a waterproof outdoor shelter we had made - she has since been neutered and has taken up residence

Missing for months sadly now presumed dead

Huge genetic problems but now lives the life of Riley

Old lady now

Reported by tourists - kitten had been attacked and biten

16 years old, totally deaf and had never experienced outdoor life

Rescued when 5 weeks old from rubbish bin

98% feral but visits us every day

Found with a huge swollen eye which we managed to save

Found at age 4 weeks with badly infected eye. Has since had urinary infections

Felix took over lost mum roll

Amputated leg and eye problems

Old boy doomed to die in a cage

Shonee found as a tiny kitten covered in paint

Upper respiratory disease